Features & Benefits
Eiffel Spark Supreme SP series is suitable for use in the following:
• Passenger cars, SUVs, light trucks and vans.
• Suitable for downsized Gasoline engines equipped with Stop & Start technologies and hybrid.
• Suitable for all types of modern vehicles, including high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged
gasoline multi-valve fuel-injected engines
• Excluded service includes – commercial and racing applications, frequent towing or hauling, extremely
dusty or dirty conditions or excessive idling.
Typical Characteristics
Eiffel Spark Supreme | Test Method | Units | 0W-30 |
Density @ 15 0C | ASTM D 4052 | gm/cc | 0.845 |
Viscosity @ 100 0C | ASTM D 445 | cSt | 10.4 |
Viscosity @ 40 0C | ASTM D 445 | cSt | 58.0 |
Viscosity Index | ASTM D 2270 | – | 171 |
Pour Point | ASTM D 97 | °C | -42 |
Flash Point (COC) | ASTM D 92 | °C | 225 |
Total Base Number | ASTM D 2896 | mg KOH/g | 7.2 |
Phosphorous | ASTM D 4951 | % wt | 0.077 |
CCS Viscosity | ASTM D 5293 | cP | 5600 @ -35 °C |
The above figures are typical of blends with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.